I started this blog to meet new people and make lots of friends where we can chat about life. I am a Christian so I do post alot about my Christian life. I am a mother so I talk about that alot too. Being a wife is what I try hard to be a great one because when the kids grow up that's who you have is your companion to share growing old. . FEEL FREE TO LEAVE MESSAGES AND COMMENTS.

Monday, October 31, 2011

My Biological Father..

I finally get to meet my father after 24 years. I am so excited. I have dreamed about this day for soo long...The crazy thing is that he lives right around the corner..Crazier then that his kids go to the same school as my kids...So the meeting place is going to be at the school during breakfast...OMG Im so excited!!! After years of praying God is always on time.. On his time not ours.... Praise YEHWEH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Jehovah Jireh!!!!!!

Thursday, October 27, 2011

Finding Joy.........

Sometimes, even being a Christian, I find it hard to get into a joyful mood. So I looked it up ...Google is amazing.. and found some mood changing FOODS... Ahh...Yes..Food!!!
  • If your feeling sad....Magnesium is know for producing serotonin:  Good sources of magnesium include halibut, almonds, cashews, unprocessed peanut butter, spinach, black eyed peas, lentils, kidney and pinto beans, baked potatoes, and long grain brown rice. Bananas also aid the release of serotonin
  • If your stressed....Blueberries can help relieve stress. The tiny berry is loaded with vitamin C, which is a stress reducer. Almonds also reduce stress with vitamins and minerals like vitamin B2, vitamin E, magnesium, and zinc. 
  • Feeling Restless:      Cottage cheese contains tryptophan, a sleep inducing amino acid that relaxes the entire body and mind. If you don't do dairy you can also find tryptophan in soy milk, tofu, hummus, and lentils. Sesame seeds are rich in trytophan but they're also high in carbohydrates with a medium protein content, perfect for before bedtime. 
  • Clarity ................Rachel wrote that blueberries, strawberries, and acai berries "activate the brain's natural 'housekeeper' mechanism, which cleans up and recycles toxic proteins linked to age-related memory loss and other mental decline." 
  • Depressed....... Cut out the sugar-rich foods. Sugar can deplete your body of B vitamins. Add some amino acids like you find in cottage cheese, bananas, turkey or fish. Amino acids can produce feel-good messages in your brain and combat depression.

    Well I thought was cool info.. Enjoy!

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Why do jews spell God, "G-d?"

I found this and thought it was good info:

Why Do Some Jews Spell God, "G-d?"
William Arnold III

Can you please tell me why the Jews can not say GOD?? They spell it without the "o."
Some Jews spell God as G-d. This has its origin in the third commandment, "You shall not take the name of the LORD your God in vain" (Exo. 20:7). Many Jews later became so cautious not to break this commandment that they quit pronouncing the name of God altogether, for fear that they might say it in vain. This is why we are not sure exactly what the vowels were for the divine name of God in the Old Testament (YHWH), known today as the tetragrammaton. "Yahweh" is the closest approximation we have (See, Is "Jehovah" the Name of God?). When a Jew would come across this name when reading the Old Testament, instead of saying God's name, he would say "Adonai," which means "Lord" or "Master." They would also use other words in place of the name of God, or even the title, "God." Notice that Matthew usually substitutes the phrase "kingdom of heaven" where the other gospels have "kingdom of God." We are told that before a Massoretic scribe would even write the name of God, he would first wash himself and then he would use a new pen. This is all done out of respect for the name of God and for fear of breaking the third commandment. What you see today with this hesitation even to write the title "God" is simply an outgrowth of this Jewish piety.
Let me add that this is nowhere commanded in scripture. We see faithful men of God calling upon him and using his name throughout the Bible. We can and should use God's name properly. However, we should also take a lesson from these Jews not use God's name without respect, or "in vain" as the scripture says. Taking God's name in vain includes a whole lot more than saying it in connection with curse words. Whenever we say "God" or "Lord" or "Christ" it should be with respect and devotion. We should never use God as a substitute for "Wow!" or simply say his name as an expression of anger or frustration.

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How do you change a lifestyle?

Well, I have been a Christian all my life. But in the past few years G-d has been revealing things to me that I thought was doubtful, and I would rebuke them and ignore the thoughts. Not until recently I have listened to the little, but big voice in my head....saying these things are not the truth.
 What, do you ask am I  talking about.....well..CHRISTIANITY!  Now before you click off my blog..let me explain.... I LOVE JESUS~ with all my heart and I believe He is the Son of God and the only way to get to the Kingdom of Heaven. But there is a problem with Christianity as a whole. I always wondered why the Jewish people, Jesus's own people don't except him, and they don't agree with Christianity. Why don't they take Yeshua as their savior. After all Yeshua in Hebrew means salvation. There had to be a deeper meaning. I started to search this out.
  • My 1st question was why does the Christian church say that Yeshua rose on the 3rd day when they portray that he died on a Friday. Now I can count; and that does match up with what he said. He said he would be in the earth for 3 days and 3 nights.  If he died on a Friday then he wouldn't have rose early Sunday; right or am I crazy. So I found out that He actually died right before a Sabbath, a yearly Sabbath that is the kind during a festival. The festival began probably on a Thurs.. and Yeshua( Jesus) died on a wed. To further understand you have to remember the Jewish Holy days(holidays).
  • My 2nd question  was the Sunday worship. Now anyone who reads the Bible knows that one of the commandments is to KEEP  THE SABBATH. Now some people say that it is Sunday. How can that be..it doesn't say that in the Bible. Ohh they say a guy named Constantine changed that .... So this guy is all of the sudden better then G-d and he can change a Sanctified day from G-d. No and even people that say that the Sabbath has changed because Yeshua rose on a Sunday.. they still don't keep it Holy.. they go shopping and cause people to work....being a Sabbath is a day of rest where you don't work or cause anyone else to work..
  • My 3rd and my turning point was the King James Bible....G-d spoke to me through the Holy Spirit( Roch Hakodesh) and asked me a question one day....WHO IS KING JAMES? Well I came to find out that he was kinda a bad person. His mother was bloody Mary. He re wrote the Great Bible because of the commentaries in the margin. The commentaries were like study notes and notes of encouragement. He didn't want his people to realize that the way he was running his kingdom wasn't right...so he rewrote the Bible to what it is now..
  • 4th What was the original Bibles language? Hebrew and Greek. What was Yeshua......Jewish.....
  • 5th Why do people only go by only HALF OF THE BIBLE?" Jesus did away with it" they say. No He didn't .....If you only believe half of it then why do you pay your tithes or why do you go to Psalms and Proverbs to get advice? What I'm trying to say is that we should follow the Torah. Yeshua did, there's more then enough proof. He came to magnify the law(torah). He gave this example in Matthew 5. Jewish people don't believe Yeshua(Jesus) is the Messiah because the Messiah wouldn't do away with something that He helped create. G-d can't lie.. sooo if He gave these commandments to do FOREVER then that's what He means.. Until the Christians understand the Torah and when the Jews believe Yeshua is the Messiah.. thats when the true CHURCH will be revealed............
We have to understand that Yeshua is Jewish he came down the line of David.... If He is Jewish why aren't we.... Yeshua came to fulfill the Torah(law). In Isaiah 42:21 He will magnify the torah(law). When  the word law is in the Bible, it means torah. Law is actually not the best word they should have used, but that is why the best Bible to have is a Jewish Bible. How do we get our minds back to the point that Jesus is a Jew.
 How do we take everything we learned about the Bible from a gentile perspective and turn it around and if it doesn't match up with the word then it is lies from the Catholic church. Why are people so blind to the fact that if you love Jesus you should follow him whole heartily and get on G-DS CALENDER. The Feasts that he made are appointments and if your missing them then your missing the mark. I will give up anything if it brings me closer to G-d and I have... I have left my family and my comfort zone to get closer to Yeshua(Jesus).... Yeshua did do some things different then the Jews because they were missing the mark too. but He set the greatest example.
So here I am.........I am going to do it..........change my whole lifestyle to follow Yeshua.

Friday, October 21, 2011

Trying to make money online....

Why is it that other mothers seem so successful at doing blogs and making money off line and I can't seem to find time to maintain all this stuff...................

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Dragon Parents: How do you let a child go?

I was looking through some articles tonight and I came across one called "Dragon Parents." I first read through quickly thinking it was an article about a different kind of parenting technique until I realized that's not what it was about at all. I keep reading as this women talked about how her son had Tay-Sachs disease. She explained how he most likely won't live after 3. The disease attacks the body and senses then he becomes paralyzed to eventually die. This "dragon mother" explained why she was one of these "dragon" parents. When your child has a terminally ill disease your not really all worried about the future, it doesn't pertain to your child. Right now is all that matters. Nobody asks for advice from "Dragon Parents" she explains "We’re too scary. Our grief is primal and unwieldy and embarrassing. The certainties that most parents face are irrelevant to us, and frankly, kind of silly. Our narratives are grisly, the stakes impossibly high. "   Not worrying about the normal and sometimes ridicules things that we fuss over with our  children. As  she was pregnant she planned out this little baby's future. Would read him books in her belly all the things that would have a great effect when he would be older. But after you get news that you aren't going to be watching your precious baby grow into a toddler to eventually go on to preschool and beyond what do you do. Well she started to live for now. Not worry about tomorrow it will all to soon show up.  Here's a quote from her  "Our parenting plans, our lists, the advice I read before Ronan’s birth make little sense now.  No matter what we do for Ronan — choose organic or non-organic food; cloth diapers or disposable; attachment parenting or sleep training — he will die. All the decisions that once mattered so much, don’t."  How does this women go well the love of her little baby keeps her going like a freight train, " dragon parents"

Keeping the balance

Being a mother of 4 and a wife sometimes it is hard for someone not to ignored by me. I find my self trying to please everyone, but I know that God doesn't want me to be a people pleaser. So I find my self knowing that if I follow the Lord and keep my eyes on the Lord that He is the one that keeps everyone happy. How does this work, well have you ever heard of the term if mom is happy then everyone is happy. When I stay in the Spirit and follow the fruits of the Spirit like patients, kindness, long suffering then I find that everyone in the house follows my lead. Keeping the balance is the moms job among the rest of her jobs......